well it was interesting.
I walked in, I cried. It was too much just being there. I asked to scrub instead of having a patient at first, that went well. then about halfway through the shift, we had become so busy I just didn't have time to think about what was actually going on. I just did what I was trained to do. Then I got in my car, and everything I had done/seen that night came flooding back to me, and I realized, that even though I can function at work, I was emotionally not well after.
we had 3 sets of twins that night, 35, 31, and 27 weeks gestation, and was really not something I was ready for, I thought I could just breeze through it, but I had to be intimately involved, and we were just so busy. I didn't go back Saturday Night.
I don't know how to explain to people that I really am doing well, and I could function at work, but I just can't be there, right now. I will try it again on Wednesday night though I think, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I imagined myself losing it in a patient room, and not being able to explain myself, but I held it together quite well.
We see the RE tomorrow. I can't remember if I posted or not, but I finally got a hold of his office and the secretary offered me an appointment for April 3rd....to which I responded, um....NO. She said hes here this week, but not doing appointments, and then hes on holidays for 3 weeks. She suggested coming in during clinic hours, I won't get a long appointment, but can talk with him about my concerns and our plan for next cycle, whenever that happens. I am on CD24 now, and no sign ovulation is even near.
12 hours ago
Here from Lost and Found and Connections Abound to welcome you to the blogosphere and wish you the best with your next steps at the RE.