Saturday, April 4, 2009


So I had a faint BFP....yes exciting....not...since the past 2 days have been BFN's

I am not really sure whats going on. I have a Beta on Monday.


  1. OMG!!!You know, my first BFP was a light light light light line. Barely there. The second one was a tiny winy bit darker. But not by much. It took about 5 days before the line got dark enough for ME to consider it a positive. Of course, the CBE digital said "pregnant" even when the line wasn't really dark. So keep hope alive!!!!!!!I think you are pregnant!!!

  2. *here from The Ballroom* I don't have any advice, but I do have a hug for you. I'm thinking and sending you positive thoughts.

  3. From the ballroom. Sending a hug and hoping you get a nice beta on Monday.

  4. ((hugs)) I hope you get a great beta tomorrow.
    here from the ballroom

  5. Hang in there. Hoping it's a late implanter or some bad pee sticks.

  6. Here from the Ballroom too.

    I've had two losses in my last two cycles. Both could probably be classed as chemicals, since I had low-but-rising betas but couldn't see anything on an ultrasound. (One at six weeks, one at just four weeks.) In my experience, the loss at six weeks was much more painful, likely because my body had more time to think it was pregnant. The second was more like a heavy period. Every body is different, though. I hope that if you're experiencing a chemical, it is isn't too (physically) painful.

    Hoping that your beta gives you a clear answer. Hang tight!

  7. I hope your beta brings good news.

  8. I'm here from the Ballroom. It doesn't sound to me like the fat lady has sung yet. In case she does start singing, wanted to let you know I have had three chemical pregnancies and what you feel physically isn't much different from a heavy period, although for one of them I had much more cramping than usual. Personally, I don't test early because it leads to way too much of this mood swinging for me to be able to handle it.

  9. Thank you everyone for your advice and well wishes.

    I hope the beta is better, we will see, I am leaving to get it drawn shortly, will either get the results late this afternoon or early tomorrow.

    I am an early tester because I like information, the sooner I can know things the better. BFN's don't bother me, actually I expect them, so when I see a BFP I am shocked.

    I will let you all know as soon as I know. Thanks again for all the support.

  10. Hey Shannon, just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you.

  11. I am in exactly the same place. . .BFP on 11dpo, a darker test on 14dpo, then lighter one at 15dpo. I had a beta yesterday, but my dr's office was closed by the time they faxed the lab slip over, so I still don't know the results. I hope you get good news--but if you don't, come find me and we'll commiserate!
