Transfer early Tuesday morning was a success.
woke up bright and early, packed Munchy in the car, and off we went. We dropped her off at a friends, it was her first time away from mommy and daddy, and she did great. We basically dropped her and ran because we were running late.
Why do they always tell you to drink way more water than you need to. they told me to drink 1l...I drank about 400-500ml, and was super full. Transfer went at about 8am EST. They thawed 2 of the 3 embryos and one did not survive thaw, so they thawed the 3rd. We luckily had that one survive for 2 to transfer.
I feel strange about this. I am disappointed, because that means if this doesn't work we need to either try IUI's again or do another IVF cycle. I am not in the position physically, financially, and emotionally to go through a full IVF cycle. So that wouldn't happen until at least summer. we could spend the money on IUI's...maybe try that twice just to see if we can save ourselves the IVF, but I worry about wasting money on doing that.
What I mostly hope for is that this works. I was nervous for twins at first, but now knowing there isn't an embryo left, I am ok with that idea. Obviously, we will take what we can get. I'm not sure two will make me feel complete though, we will just have to wait and see.
Speaking of the wait, why do the days drag by!?! The embryos were day 3.5ish, almost 4, and that was early yesterday morning, so I am at least 5dpo now, but it goes by so slowly. I think I will try testing in a few days, at 8dpo.
I will update if there are any symptoms of note to report, basically I just feel tired and crampy post transfer.
16 hours ago