Hey everyone, if anyone is even still here that is!
I decided not to go private...there were just some crazy things going on then that made me nervous, but I figured things out and all is well!
No I am not 47 weeks pregnant! That would be excruciating! I actually have a beautiful baby girl who is nearly 10 weeks old! We had her on May 15th...and she is amazing! I know everyone says is but I never imagined a love like this ever! Its amazing, the delivery was amazing, and yet I barely remember any of it.
Im going to try to get to blogging again. I expect to be down the road to try for another baby soon again too. With my health we want to try to have our family complete before I get too sick again (Crohn's disease flares suck) So we hope we might get a surprise and be a statistic...or we will do a FET In the spring of next year before I go back to work.
If you are still here and reading leave me a comment and let me know!
11 hours ago